Limiting ourselves here to Latest Mailing Database internet merchant accounts for US-based businesses in non-high risk industries, you can presently expect to pay between Latest Mailing Database. In fact, discount rates call fall into 3 distinct categories: The lowest of these rates - the range quoted above - and the most commonly applied Latest Mailing Database, is the Qualified Discount Rate which in the context of ecommerce retailing is where your customer "keys" in the card information in his computer's browser, and the information he provides concerning his billing address matches Latest Mailing Database that in the bank's records ("AVS match").
Some companies charge up to 10 cents per transaction for the AVS service. On occasion however you may be charged a surcharge on Latest Mailing Database top of that. The Mid-Qualified Discount Rate will be added to your normal discount rate where there is no AVS match. And a further additional surcharge (the Non-Qualified Rate) of from 1.5% to 2% may be levied where your Latest Mailing Database customer makes his purchase using a foreign-issued card or where the card Latest Mailing Database was issued to a company or the government. Most providers will charge you a Latest Mailing Database Monthly Minimum - this is the least amount you'll have to pay for the discount rate charges in a month.
This is often $15 to $25 - so you'll always pay at least that much, even if you don't process at all during the month. You'll also most likely have to pay a monthly Latest Mailing Database Statement Fee, often around $8 to $15. A Transaction Fee is almost always charged - here you pay a set amount for each transaction you process on your website, regardless of the dollar amount. Usually this is in the 17 to 30 cent range. The other standard monthly charge Latest Mailing Database - and this applies only to ecommerce processing - is the Gateway Fee, generally in the $15 to $30/month range.